My big trip has begun.  I’m currently writing this sitting aboard the Indian Pacific train in Carriage R.  (There be pirates here, rrrrr). The train has about half an hour ago passed through Northam and is wending its way across the continent to Kalgoorlie and to my final destination of Adelaide.

The big trip consists of voyages through Adelaide, Melbourne (including the end of the world at the Melbourne Intervarsity Choral Festival), Canberra, Sydney, Brisbane, Vancouver, San Franscisco, Chicago, Grand Rapids, Boston, New York, London, Amsterdam, Oslo, Hong Kong and back to Brisbane.

Along the way I hope to catch up with a lot of old friends (and their couches!), hopefully make some new ones and generally have great, relaxing time.

About two years ago, June 2010, I knew my long service leave would become due about six months after Perth IV (which we were just starting to busily organise).

A year ago, Perth IV occured, lots of singing, fun and general exhaustion from being an organiser.  Some good things came out of the IV and have helped make the decision to head off on this adventure.

About six months ago, had to move house as the owner wanted to renovate, er, demolish it.   This was a helpful nudge in giving me some inertia to tackle the mountain of junk that inhabited my abode.   At that point, I’d complete the major milestones in a work project (and finished that off a few months ago).

At this point, in earnest, I started actually putting the plans together for the big trip.   Short lease on the new place, avoiding new commitments at work and with various committees, selecting destinations, starting the second weed and pack for storage.

The past few weeks have been that culmination of all that.  The contents
of my house are now in storage in a large number of cardboard boxes.  The
house has been returned to the real estate agent.  Final errands done.
Farewell functions have been had and sad goodbyes said to close friends.

I’m looking forward to seeing what this trip has in store for me.  I’ll keep
you updated as the voyages continue.

Going boldly,


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